An Interactive Guide For Pilots

Use it everywhere, anytime
The 737 Handbook was designed for both phones as well as tablets. This way you can use it comfortably both for a swift system review on the go as well as for in-depth study
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The 737 Handbook receives regular content updates. On top of that, there are new articles coming out each week focusing on different aspects worth reviewing.
How is the 737 MAX stored, Why is volcanic ash dangerous or what causes a Duct Pressure Split. These are only some of the articles

While the 737 Handbook is a technical guide, our articles discuss different topics worth reviewing. From non-normals to CRM

Some topics deserve multiple articles. Check out our Performance, Winter Ops and PANS-OPS series

Technical Articles, every week!
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Premium Pass Unlocks:
• Premium Articles,
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• All Interactive Content
Note: Premium Pass purchase transfers between devices provided that they are signed in using the same Apple ID / Google ID.
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Our Pricing
The 737 Notebook
Your new analogue space for your system notes, sim notes, to-dos, thoughts and ideas. It has been handcrafted and designed as a limited edition with high quality as the main goal.

The 737 Mock-up
This 737 mock-up is unlike any other on the market. It is double-sided, packed with essential information like memory items, limitations, dimensions,
and many more.

Use it, Fold it, Carry it
Our mock-up unfolds from A4 format. This way you can comfortably use it on the go, in the classroom, everywhere. It has been designed so that you have everything essential on it to nail your next sim

Videos, Photos and Simulations
A quick review of the systems, or in-depth information? We have got you covered! You can reinforce the gained system knowledge in the Interactive section
Play and Learn
See what happens behind the scenes when you flip the switches. Practice your descent planning or simulate decompression. All this on 22 interactive simulations

"We chose to team up with The 737 Handbook as it is a fantastic learning tool to support our students through their simulator training"
Scandinavian Training Academy
Manager Training

Browse through the FMC, ACARS or CPDLC. Play around with the Electrical, Hydraulic or Fuel systems. What about TCAS or Windshear? We got you covered too! All this plus many more on your tablet and mobile!